Start your Working Holiday here



I am so excited that your thinking of coming to Australia! You’re going to have such a great year!

When you start planning your Working Holiday it can be very exciting at first, but soon after, you can feel very overwhelmed by what you need to do and all of the information and activities out there to choose from.

If you are anything like me, the fear of starting your year off wrong, running out of money and wasting your year away 

will start to creep in and overwhelm you.

If you’re not sure where or how to start, how to take your next leap, or even how to finish up your Australian Adventure. Don’t worry you’re in the right place. 

I have worked out a way to make things a lot easier for you, breaking everything down into easy step-by-step guides and resources.

Like you I hit a wall of questions. Took my first big leap and decided Australia is where I wanted to go, but I very quickly got stuck in a loop of questions and uncertainty. Do I apply for the visa myself or use a visa company?  Where do I land? Do I work or travel first?

I desperately researched online for traveller’s stories and tips. Looking for that hidden unicorna one-stop shop of information and resources that past travellers have shared.

Quickly, I realised I was looking for a step-by-step resource that helped me form a safety net of options, advice and decisions to make the most out of my year.

Finding that one place, with everything you need to know about taking on a Working Holiday Visa in Australia

I never found that hidden resource. I feel like I lost a lot of time and money frantically researching too much and getting too many things wrong playing the ‘I dunno’ game.

So, I have taken all my research, how I did everything wrong, compared it with other travellers stories, found some great resources and pulled it all together to build Start Travelling Australia Right.

A series of small step-by-step guides to help you take each adventure leap with all your safety nets in place and make the most of your Australian Working Holiday.

Along with my guides, I hope to build a community of travellers, sharing a treasure trove of tips and tricks on a weekly podcast or supporting each other in a private Facebook Community.


You might ask, who am I?

My names Roxy, I landed in Australia in early 2017 with my partner in crime Dan – my best friend and soon to be Husband, from Wales.

For the past decade, I have dragged Dan across the globe.

We have been island hopping in the Caribbean, survived boat wrecks in the Philippines, spent summers exploring the British coast attempting to surf (but mostly just warmed up with a good beer), we also tracked down nearly every statue of David in Italy and spent all night watching lava flow into the sea in Hawai’i.



But the best adventure we have ever experienced is…

living in a car travelling up and down the coast of Australia. We surfed, explored, got lost and woken up by wombats using our car, as a scratching post in the middle of the night. 

We spent the evenings listening to incredible stories from other travellers doing the same thing. 

I desperately wanted to capture these stories. So I started this website and podcast. 

Australia can get under your skin. We have only touched the tip of the iceberg when it comes to exploring it, so we have decided to stay and try ticking off the biggest checklist we have ever created, while we work and live in Sydney.

So we are still here learning with you and here to help you =)

If you’re looking for people to talk to and want to hear stories from past and present travellers to make the most of your Working Holiday, then you’re in the right place.


So to help you feel at home...and start you on the right foot, here is a full access starter pack:

Covering all my research in bite-size guides, checklists and life lessons, wrapped into one free 30-day interactive information pack.

This starter pack is filled with mini email courses, small challenges and a treasure trove of resources that outline the four classic leaps each working holidaymaker overcomes before landing in Australia

Sign up today and you will receive all of the below resources and more

A full interactive roadmap of every step you are about to take on. It is a complete roadmap for beginners and full behind the scenes access to Start Travelling Australia Right.

Tip: It’s also a great resource for you to skip ahead, go backwards or even find your place again.

The four classic leaps every Working Holidaymaker takes, nicely wrapped up into the mini email courses below:

1. The Visa: a 4-day visa email course covering the Four steps to understanding how the Working Holiday Visa works and how to use it effectively.

2.   Work Essentials: a 12-day walk-through of the three essentials you can’t get a job without. How to apply, how to use them right and how they can help you leave Australia with a nice little savings pot for your next adventure.

3.   Start Saving today: 6-day Small Travel hacking baby step course outlining the easiest way to start saving money straight away.

4.   Get Australia Ready:6-day challenge. Get in the right mindset for Australia with tips to help you set a goal, make small deadlines, figure out when and where to land and how to simplify, save and pack

An official invite, to join our private Facebook Community and get some, one on one coaching from past and present travellers. 

Find out exactly how to listen to, or sign yourself up to be on the podcast! – A great place to work out if you should work or travel first.

Once you sign up, keep an eye out for my blue helpful tips and I promise to keep my advice short and sweet.